Let me dedicate this Women's Day, March 08 to the Divine Lady, Dr. Catherine Hamlin, an Australian Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, settled in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, dedicating her life to the service of the underprevileged women suffering from Obstetric Fistula, an injury caused during child birth.
The credit of coming to know about this great soul,Dr. Catherin and the physiological
problem of our poverty stricken sisters in Africa goes to my favourite daily, The Hindu, which in turn happens to be the main window to me for a glimpse of the the world around me.A chance reading of the article about the noble and unselfish task of Dr.Catherine with her husband, Dr.Hamlin, a New Zealander in Africa stirred my heart.
The highly commendable humanitarian gesture of such kind hearted women should often be highlighted while magazines list the powerful women of the world in the corporate sector,political front,films and fine arts etc.
As God cannot be present everywhere, it is said that he created mothers.
Yes, Divine mothers like Dr. Catherine Hamlin,actively serving the downtrodden even at
the age of 90 are the living Gods of Earth.
It is certain that the nominee is sure to be the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
The credit of coming to know about this great soul,Dr. Catherin and the physiological
problem of our poverty stricken sisters in Africa goes to my favourite daily, The Hindu, which in turn happens to be the main window to me for a glimpse of the the world around me.A chance reading of the article about the noble and unselfish task of Dr.Catherine with her husband, Dr.Hamlin, a New Zealander in Africa stirred my heart.
The highly commendable humanitarian gesture of such kind hearted women should often be highlighted while magazines list the powerful women of the world in the corporate sector,political front,films and fine arts etc.
As God cannot be present everywhere, it is said that he created mothers.
Yes, Divine mothers like Dr. Catherine Hamlin,actively serving the downtrodden even at
the age of 90 are the living Gods of Earth.
It is certain that the nominee is sure to be the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.