Saturday, July 6, 2024

To be carried out or not

          No day ends, honestly, without a small feeling of guilt for not touching the laptop, that was bought for my use, exclusively, Every other day fleets fast; my resolution remains, just a resolution.. Finally  the great day has turned after nearly fifteen months to erase the sense of guilt, pursue my passion of writing and also to do some justice to the amount paid to buy the laptop, some four years back.

          Also, often, the sonnet of Milton flashes in my mind, where he feels guilty and is  afraid of God for postponing his skill of writing. Nowhere do I stand close to the great poet and his genius except harboring the guilt.

         Let me close the post, with a vow to touch my Shakthi, the Saraswathi once in a fortnight if not in a week, 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Joy, Beyond Words

              The First citizen of India is from a humble and rural background. That gives each and everyone of us loads and loads of confidence, courage, joy and what not.

              Yet, when someone, within our circle of acquaintances achieves something, it becomes a source of joy, beyond words. A woman, rather a girl to us, in her late twenties, from a family known to us for more than three generations has  become the branch manager of a bank and got a chance to serve the people in her own hometown. Getting an opportunity to serve in the hometown is not common in the banking sector.

               Women fly planes in the armed forces, drive heavy vehicles from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, hold high positions in judiciary and have ruled the country even before centuries. No domain can now be termed as male dominated, not served by women. They are scions of empowerment ! 

             Even decades back, women have held top positions in nationalised banks. As, said earlier, still...exuberance, excitement and double fold joy can not be ruled out on visiting the branch, managed by our girl and couldn't help saluting her. She not only made my day but the entire week !  

Friday, April 15, 2022

My Boy, My Joy

           My Boy came to our house on the day of the Panguni Pongal, the main highlight of the Mariamman Festival held last week in our town. My last post  depicts that  Utsavam  and the related events .Can there be any festival globally without  vendors, selling colourful articles for household, the kids and also for the adults. Giving and getting thiruvizha kasu, irrespective of the age is a part of such festivals. Petty cash was distributed during the Arupathu Moovar Thiruvizha at Mylapore as long as my mom was alive.

          This Tom Cat, just for fifty rupees was so attractive and tempting, when we went around the temple late at night, enjoying the Pongal cooked in pots using firewood and the bustling crowd. There can be no festival sans the crowd. This balloon cat, with a big smiling yellow face, wearing a bright blue attire and a big tummy seemed to beckon us to be taken home. It may be thought as weird to buy a balloon at such an age and only passionate people like my mom, who finds a big joy in small things can understand this.

          My Boy can be a source of joy, if smileys are stress busters. Seated, rather standing on a table in the  front room of our ancestral house in our hometown, he seems to smile and greet us as we pass by him, luring my spouse also to be a big fan of him. He often refers to him as, Payyan jammun irukkane.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

End of the two Lulls

                                    Blessed we are to be present in our hometown for the Great  Mariamman and the Kaliamman Festival, celebrated after a lull for two years since the outbreak of the pandemic. With that, a lull in the updating of posts in my blogs also comes to an end. A big thanks to all the Gods and Goddesses for slowly restoring normalcy globally and subsequently enabling the people to earn their livelihood.

                               The great fervour, passion, pride and the involvement with which the local festivals are celebrated almost in all the parts of our country is one of the great attributes of our unique culture. So also is the Annual Mariamman and Kaliamman Panguni Thiruvizha celebrated for ten days in our town. Year by year, the magnitude of the festival increases qualitatively and quantitatively with people, converging from places far and wide.

                     Long back, it was only a local festival for ten days with the men, women and children from the near by villages, thronging the temple. It is no more such a scenario. Today it is a festival of the  confluence of the people, who had migrated nation wide and even world wide in search of greener pastures.

                 Such is the power, the divinity, the grace and the compassion of the Mothers, The Mariamman and The Kaliamman. Doubly blessed  that our residence is located in the Mada Veedhi of the temple to be honoured by the aesthetically decorated Urchavar Ambal on all days and the well grown lush green Mulaiparis, beautifully designed Uruvams and the brightly lighted Mavilakkus on the day of the Pongal.

           We are confident that such divine powers are sure to guard and save our town, state, country and the world at large. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Belated Welcome 2021

                        A belated but a sincere and joyous welcome to 2021. Let's bid good bye to 2020 with the lessons learned and the experiences gained from the pandemic, rather than blaming the year. After all, what can the calendar and days do against the fury and power of Nature. The magnitude of the loss of lives, economy, the sufferings, pain and agony, world wide is beyond our control and description. yet there is always light at the end of tunnel.

                       Let's begin the New Year, as usual with a sense of hope and optimism, always nurturing love, care, gratitude and acceptance.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Salute the Five

                Amazing and wonderful to know, how Ulaganthar of Ulaganeeghi had honoured and immortalized the five great professionais, whose fees or Dakshinai should never be withheld;  they should be paid, that too with a smiling face; failing which such people must be ready to face the wrath of Yama, the God of Death. What a kind of righteous man was this Ulaganathan who lived a century and half back.Anxious to know the great five professionals! 

                Dhobi  and Barber are the priveleged to top the list, followed by the Teacher, Midwife and the Doctor. These five heroes, definitely must have discharged their duties sincerely without a materialistic bent of mind. Hence it has been advocated that they must be paid whole heartedly.

                 What a type of society had existed with the professionals discharging their duties with fervour and devotion, that an entire stanza has been earmarked, mentioning their selfless services; they deserve to be offered their dues with a cheerful visage. If not 
Yama will take care.

                 Sounds like Utopia....Platonic ! Such uprighteous men do continue to exist in all fields, may be less in number. A hike in their numbers is sure to make, if not the world, our state into a Utopia. Anyway a big congrats to the Fabulous Five! Let us salute them; before that the great Tamil writer, Ulaganthar of the Ulaganethi fame! We bow down before you Ayya for such a valuable work.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

To Tamil with Love


          The affinity for our Mother Language is nothing but natural, so has been my  passion to attempt some write ups, about travels and the persons  whom I adore.Even a few poems, of course not worthy to fit into the genre; yet the simple joy in venturing is fascinating.

         Now it is a million dollar question as how, all of a sudden developed my intimacy, right phrase to use, with the poems of Virtues in our language, especially the Eladhi, Naladiar, Moodurai, Thirukural, Aathisudi, Kondraivendhan, Purananuru, Ulaganeedhi and so on.

        The Ulaganeedhi of Ulaganthar of the Eighteenth century, beginning with Odhamal Orunalum Irukka Vendam, is simply amazing, sounding rhythmic and musical. It may seem funny and even weird!  Enamoured by its beauty and the universal ethical values of its content in single lines of what not to be done, started memorizing it. The confidence and energy levels seem to have been boosted, discovering the ability to memorise texts at this age of early sixties. Yet forgetfulness in simple tasks on a daily basis is an irony! May be they are too mundane to  gain the attention and focus! They may be sharpened with this latest skill.

      What a Devine Language is our Tamil and indeed, we are a blessed race !