Sunday, July 10, 2011

Impressions and information

                                     " The click of a mouse can give countless pages of information on any thing in a few seconds.What is the purpose behind the efforts of sharing the impressions of my travels,other than being an offshoot from the tree of my passion for reading and of late,writing.",mused I.

                                      Still a life time is too short to go through the contents of the net.Only impressions created by reading,listening or watching the TV about the success of a person,popularity of a film or a book or the importance of a place induce us to collect more information from the web site.

                                      At this juncture a cousin of me, a globe trotter, on a pleasure trip to US told me,he had to collect some information only from acquaintances before embarking on the journey, despite being a tech. savvy.He is also interested in sharing his travel experiences to be useful to some."Time is a great constraint in browsing the net unless we are impressed by the gist of something." said he.His persuasion made me go ahead with the idea of blogging about the impressions of my travel.

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